Dear Census Bureau Staff: This is Keiji Saito from Japan. I am a graduate student of Tokyo university. Happy New Year. The other day, I sent an E-mail. That topic was an error in March CPS codebook. Today's topic is an error too. However, the error is in the data of labor force of CPS1994. I think the error is much more serious than before. You can confirm it in 10 minutes. Please check it quickly. The error is labor force record in CPS1994. Labor force data had been classified eight ways till CPS1993. Non-labor force detailed classification has been aggregated to Nilf since CPS1994. Therefore the classification has become six ways. CPS1994 is the first data of aggregated non labor force. However, all labor force data indicate 0 in CPS1994. It means all American are "Children or Armed Forces." This is absolutely wrong. The miss is not continued from CPS1995 or later. I found this error by analyzing ICPSR data. Labor force data is in 145 character. All person data are 0 as "Children or Armed Forces." I also confirmed it by DataFerrett. You can check it for a few minutes too. The error are not corrected even now. Please make a simple table including CPS1994's labor force data. It would indicate all American are "Children or Armed Forces." You can understand quickly that my suggestion is correct. Sincerely yours,